Comprehensive reading and critical thinking of the students of the Professional School of Obstetrics of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo - Huaraz - 2021


  • Nora Arcelia Vásquez Imac Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima - Perú.
  • Abelardo Rodolfo Campana Concha Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima - Perú.



Comprehensive reading, Critical thinking


Objective: To know the relationship between comprehensive reading and critical thinking of students. Materials and Method: It is a correlational investigation that evaluated two variables, applying two questionnaires to 140 students, for which it was necessary to apply a survey and knowledge test, whose responses required the SPSS statistic. Results: In the general hypothesis, he found a Rho = 0.542 which refers to the fact that a regular level of comprehensive reading is related to critical thinking sometimes applied. In the specific approaches, relationships were also confirmed between the first variable and the dimensions search for truth, mental breadth, capacity for analysis, being systematic, confidence in reason, curiosity and maturity to formulate judgments. Conclusion: There is a relationship between comprehensive (regular) reading and critical thinking (sometimes) at a very good level that shows that the reading level of the students in the sample is insufficient to develop critical thinking.


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How to Cite

Vásquez Imac, N. A., & Campana Concha, A. R. (2021). Comprehensive reading and critical thinking of the students of the Professional School of Obstetrics of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo - Huaraz - 2021. Big Bang Faustiniano, 10(3).


