Sleep quality and daytime sleepiness in students of the Faculty of Science, Jose Faustino Sanchez Carrion National University




Sleep quality, Daytime sleepiness, Students


Objective: To establish the relationship between sleep quality and daytime sleepiness in students of the Faculty of Sciences, UNJFSC. Methods: The research had a quantitative approach, non-experimental cross- sectional design, applied type and correlational level. The population consisted of 380 students enrolled in the Faculty of Sciences in 2019 and a sample of 120 students was taken using simple random sampling. Sleep quality was measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and daytime sleepiness by the Epworth scale. Results: 50% were women and 50% men; their ages between 17 and 26 years. 84.2% have poor sleep quality and 15.8% good quality. 28.3% do not have drowsiness, 47.5% mild drowsiness, 23.3% moderate drowsiness and 0.8 severe drowsiness. 50.8% had good subjective sleep quality, 36.7% had very poor sleep latency, 48.3% had recommended sleep, 40.0% had very good sleep efficiency, 55% had moderate sleep disturbance, 56. 7% never in the last month have used medication to sleep and 43.3% moderate dysfunction during the day. Conclusions: There is a significant relationship between sleep quality, subjective quality, latency, sleep disturbances, medication use and dysfunction during the day and daytime sleepiness and there is no relationship between the duration and efficiency of sleep in students of the Faculty of Medicine. Sciences, UNJFSC


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How to Cite

Trejo de Ríos , M. S., Ríos Pérez , I. J., López Balarezo , J. A., Aguilar Luna Victoria, M. Ángel . ., & Andrade Flores, E. E. (2022). Sleep quality and daytime sleepiness in students of the Faculty of Science, Jose Faustino Sanchez Carrion National University. Big Bang Faustiniano, 11(01).


