Teamwork and strategic planning in the faculty of business sciences of the José Faustino Sánchez Carrión University -2019




Teamwork, Strategic Planning


The research was carried out in the Faculty of Business Sciences, which is dedicated to instruct leading students who possess competences and abilities for research, innovation and management; with values and humanistic sense; with the ability to contribute to the development of the country, to the protection and care of the environment, as well as to the affirmation of our local and national identity. The present investigation is of quantitative approach, of applied type and correlational level. In addition, it is of non-experimental transversal design. The main objective is to define the relationship that exists between teamwork and strategic planning in the Faculty of Business Studies, Universidad José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, 2019. For data processing, an opinion poll on teamwork and strategic planning was applied to 86 people among teachers and administrative workers. Regarding the data collection instrument, a questionnaire was applied about the two variables with a total of 29 items with a Likert scale. Likewise, the validity and reliability of the instrument were made according to the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and the results obtained were 0.89, therefore, the instrument is reliable and consistent. To establish the existing relationship between the two variables, we applied the Spearman nonparametric Rho statistic. Being able to demonstrate that there is a relationship between teamwork and strategic planning in the Faculty of Business Studies, José Faustino Sánchez Carrión University, 2019. In addition, Spearman's Rho correlation is 0.605, according to the scale of Bisquerra said Correlation is positive and moderate.


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How to Cite

Yovera Rodríguez, P. J. (2021). Teamwork and strategic planning in the faculty of business sciences of the José Faustino Sánchez Carrión University -2019. Big Bang Faustiniano, 10(1).


