Macronutrients extraction in paprika pepper cv. Papri King in Barranca, Peru


  • L. A. Goñy Escuela de Posgrado, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM), Lima, Perú.
  • A. Casas Departamento de Horticultura, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM), Lima, Perú.



Fertilization, nutrient extraction, macronutrients, dry matter, paprika pepper


Objectives: To determine the extraction of macronutrients as well as the effect of the fertilization levels in the paprika pepper cv. Papri King in Barranca, Peru. Methodology: The experimental design of randomly complete blocks was used, with four treatments and four blocks, the treatments were four levels of fertilization (kg ha-1 of NPK): 0-0-0, 200-100-200, 250-150 -250, 300-200-300. The fresh fruit yield, the periodic accumulation of dry matter and the extraction of nutrients were evaluated. Four samplings were carried out at 42, 77, 112, 147 days after transplantation, collecting samples of leaves, stems and fruits. Results: The accumulation of total dry matter was increasing as the plant increased its growth and development of organs, being the stem the one that reached the maximum accumulation. The highest extraction of nutrients occurred with treatment 4 (300-200-300), continuing to decrease with the other treatments. All the nutrients considered were extracted in significant quantities from the beginning of the plant cycle, being from 112 days after transplantation the elements N, K and P, which showed their maximum extraction, while at 147 days after the transplant, the elements Ca, S and Mg presented higher extraction. Likewise, treatment 4 had a higher fruit yield compared to the other treatments. Conclusions: The extraction of the macroelements considered to produce a ton of fresh fruit were: 11.31, 1.26, 15.06, 8.71, 2.30, 2.72, kg ha-1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, respectively, according to the response obtained with the fertilization level 300-200-300.


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How to Cite

Goñy, L. A., & Casas, A. (2021). Macronutrients extraction in paprika pepper cv. Papri King in Barranca, Peru. Peruvian Agricultural Research, 3(1), 23–34.


